Wes Roberts Photography

Wes Roberts Photography - {Richie Eubanks Realty}

Wes RobertsComment

We love partnering with local businesses and providing them with professional images to use for business and marketing purposes. Professional head shots, group shots, and professional images of the business give a more clean, professional and tailored look to brochures, ads, and business cards. If you or your business/company is in need of some updated images, please contact us! We would love to chat and meet with you about it! 

We had a great time getting to know Richie Eubanks and his staff. They sell and list beautiful homes in and around the Columbus, Ga area. If you are in need of a realtor, contact his team today! 

Business: Richie Eubanks

Meet Richie and His team....

Our Struggles and Victories - Part 3 {Picture My Abilities}

Wes RobertsComment

It has been a while since my last story of Brock Allen's development, socially and academically. We have had a small setback with our youngest child, Eli...and his story will also be making its way to the blog, but for now I want to share more about Brock Allen's story. 

As we began to to heavily pursue interventions for Brock Allen's social, emotional, and developmental needs, we started to see him grow mentally. We started to see small glimpses of God's goodness, protection, grace and glory. We started to see our son blossom. We owe much of his victories to Alabama Early Intervtion! He was receiving speech and occupational therapy at our home for FREE. These services provided by the state of Alabama are amazing. (If you have any questions or concerns about your child's development, under the age of 3, please call! They are so helpful and it's all FREE!). Brock Allen began to add more words to his vocabulary, he began requesting items like his juice without screaming. It is truly a blessing to watch a child grow and learn, but when that comes with a cost; a struggle, it's an even greater blessing.  

As we approached Brock Allen's 3rd birthday, we knew we had another hurdle to jump...transitioning him from home services to preschool. Federal law requires that once a child turns 3, they are no longer eligible for early intervention with the state, but do become eligible for services with their local school system. Lots of meetings, planning, testing and meeting with preschool service providers has to take place. Since he had mostly been a stay at home child (since Wes worked from home), full time preschool was not on our radar and, frankly, made Wes and I both very nervous. The idea of leaving your child in the care of someone else all day was just not what we had in mind...but once again, God had different plans...and he gently guided us as we navigated the new waters of a child that need preschool special education services. 

My sweet, free spirited baby. He loves life, the outdoors and at this stage in his life, loved Peter Pan. He is caring, compassionate and protective in nature. He has never let a disability or diagnosis stop him! October 2012. 

My sweet, free spirited baby. He loves life, the outdoors and at this stage in his life, loved Peter Pan. He is caring, compassionate and protective in nature. He has never let a disability or diagnosis stop him! October 2012. 

I pray our stories of Brock Allen's struggles challenge you to never give up and also show you that life is hard, but worth it.  If you have ever questioned or have questions about your child's development, please reach out to us. We know many amazing people in the field of special education that can point you in the right direction. I will say it every time....EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY!!!!!


Many blessings! 

Wes Roberts Weddings - {Styled Shoot for Cottage Hill Magazine}

Wes RobertsComment

It's obvious we love wedding photography...but what we also love is commercial photography! When some of your great designer friends call you up and say they have a magazine shoot lined up, you gladly shoot it! This styled shoot with LeRae Events and Design was so much fun! We love watching the LeRae girls work their magic and styling! 

Design and Styling: LeRae Events and Design

Have a wonderful Friday and great weekend! 

Wes Roberts Photography - {Switch A Roo Children's Clothing}

Wes RobertsComment

We love it when other small businesses ask us to partner with them! We are very passionate about small business because that's what we are. We are striving to live a dream and leave a legacy of commitment, hard work and faith for our children. When Allison, the owner of Switch A Roo, approached us about doing a photo shoot for their Fall 2017 children's clothing line, we immediately said yes! We have had the best time working with Switch A Roo and enjoyed photographing all their sweet models! Here is a sneak peek at their Fall line and catalog!

Clothing and Design: https://www.facebook.com/switcharoodesigns/

Have a wonderful day! 

Many Blessings, 

Christmas Around Our House {2016}

Wes RobertsComment

We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Roberts Home! We enjoyed spending time with our sweet boys, making ornaments, cookies, and just being together with family and friends. I love Christmas decorations! We are not fancy....actually we are pretty simple. I like old, vintage things, handmade ornaments my kids have made, simple Christmas trees, and whatever my kids want to decorate with! While I am no Joanna Gaines, I have included a few pics of what Christmas looks like at our house! 

Christmas 2016 at the Roberts Home....

Even though the decorations get put away...may we always remember the reason for the Christmas season....that Christ came in the form of a tiny baby bringing grace and salvation to the world. 

Be Blessed,